
Швейцарська галерея почала публікувати улюблені рецепти художників

Швейцарська галерея Kunsthalle Basel на своїй Instagram сторінці почала викладати  рецепти улюблених страв художників. Наприклад, Клод Моне полюбляв баклажани в томатній пасті, Поль Сезам омлет з грибами, а Сінді Шерман ньок (італійські галушки — прим. ред.) з шавлією в соусі з вершкового масла.

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Need inspiration for what to get for your weekly groceries? How about trying out the above recipe by the American artist and photographer Cindy Sherman? This vegetarian main dish "Gnocchi with Butter and Sage" only needs a few ingredients and a tiny bit of talent for the home-made gnocchi. If you can’t find any sage, go take a walk in your nearby forest and find yourself some bear’s garlic instead! 🍃 Kunsthalle Basel held a solo exhibition of Cindy Sherman’s photographs in 1991. @cindysherman #kunsthallebasel #artistrecipe found in @wallpapermag #dish #gnocchi #butter #sage #lovebasel

A post shared by Kunsthalle Basel (@kunsthallebasel) on Mar 25, 2020 at 3:19am PDT

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Need inspiration for what to get for your weekly groceries? How about trying out the above recipe by the American artist and photographer Cindy Sherman? This vegetarian main dish "Gnocchi with Butter and Sage" only needs a few ingredients and a tiny bit of talent for the home-made gnocchi. If you can’t find any sage, go take a walk in your nearby forest and find yourself some bear’s garlic instead! 🍃 Kunsthalle Basel held a solo exhibition of Cindy Sherman’s photographs in 1991. @cindysherman #kunsthallebasel #artistrecipe found in @wallpapermag #dish #gnocchi #butter #sage #lovebasel

A post shared by Kunsthalle Basel (@kunsthallebasel) on Mar 25, 2020 at 3:19am PDT